Working Party, February 2025

It was back to school this month for the Beggarwood wildlife volunteers as we were lucky enough to be joined by the local Rangers, Jenny, Sam and Jack for some basic training and advice on several fronts.

Jack took two of the team aside to pass on some handy tips on the maintenance of the tools used by the team, with WD40 seemingly the most important requirement.

Jenny then took three of the volunteers into the woods to give instruction on how best to build a dead hedge, while Sam took the remainder of the team to demonstrate how to uproot Dogwood and Blackthorn using a popper machine (dogwood is an invasive plant that can suffocate other native plants).

While part of the team continued with the thankless task of uprooting the dreaded Dogwood and Blackthorn, the remainder of the team spent the next hour or more reinforcing and re-laying parts of the hedge that we had previously built last year, and then adding to this by cutting back and thinning an area that had been targeted by the Rangers.

The group were unanimous in agreeing on how helpful the Rangers had been.

Litter Pick

Later over tea and coffee, provided as usual by The Holly Blue, plans for the up-and-coming Community litter pick which is taking place in the school half term were discussed and several ideas were put forward on how to make the day as successful as possible.

The date for the Community litter pick is Friday 21st February and all those interested are asked to meet at the Café in the Park at 10.30am.

It is hoped that we will see many young children attending along with their parents and families. There are several activities planned for them along with refreshments at the café once the pick has been completed (Refreshments provide Free for the children)

The team are hoping for good weather on the day to help ensure a good turn out!


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